This is a lovely scene from our annual summer camping experience at Elora Gorge. We go every year (sans kids) for a night to relax, unwind and enjoy nature.
I want to be Veronica Mars!
3:53 AM Posted In Television , Veronica Mars Edit This 0 Comments »Image via Wikipedia
I found a website a few months ago called Project Free TV, where you can watch streaming movies and TV shows for free. After watching just about every movie made from 2004 to 2009, I worked my way into the TV show section.
I watched all 5 seasons of "Bones", 3 seasons of "Arrested Development", 2 seasons of "Weeds" and now I am currently on my second season of Veronica Mars".
I cannot express in words just how much I love this show and just how much I love the character Veronica Mars. She's smart, she's witty, she's confident and she solves mysteries! She's like a sassier and more interesting version of Nancy Drew. I want to be her.
If anyone wants to hire me, I am now offering my services as a private investigator.
Must. Have. This.
9:19 AM Posted In Breastfeeding , Wish List Edit This 0 Comments »Slimey Snails
7:02 AM Posted In Photography , Pictures Edit This 0 Comments »This is a photo I took in my backyard during my bugs-n-things photographing phase from this past summer. I loved the trail of slime on the leaf so I took a picture of it. This little guy was moving fast, probably because L-Cat had been playing with it for about 20 minutes prior to releasing him on this leaf.
I have some other neat shots of snails from this summer as well. A couple of snails by the river were climbing all over each other on a rock. It was so cute I had to get some shots of it. I didn't have my good camera that day, but you get the idea. It was cute.
This next gal looked so proud perched on top of her tree stump, that I needed to get a shot of her. I just love the colour of these water snails.
The Barnyard
6:29 AM Posted In Children , Family , H-Man , L-Cat , Life Tidbits , Pictures Edit This 0 Comments »No. This is not about farm animals, it's about my family! I suppose since I will be writing about the (hopeful) baby-to-be I may as well share a little about the 2 that already exist.
My firstborn is H-man (I will be using their alias' online for privacy purposes) and he will be turning 5 next month. Wow...5 already! He's an extremely bright little boy and I am amazed every day by his knowledge. I can remember the first day I realized he knew the alphabet and the sounds the letters made. He was 22 months and he was sitting on my lap at the computer. He started pointing to letters on the keyboard and saying "S says Ssss, G says Gggg" and I was like "WTF? How do you know that???"
H-Man is a very spirited child...a lot like me, actually. He is very extreme in his moods and emotions and that has proven to be our biggest hurdle in parenting him. Not just because of him, but because I am so much of the same....we conflict. We shouldn't though...I'm a Gemini and he is a Libra. We should mesh well.
My daughter, L-Cat, is also a Gemini. She's 3 years, 3 months and looks up to her big brother in adoration. He teaches her a lot...good and bad. L-Cat is my little people person. Everyone who meets her comments on her fabulous personality and sunny disposition. She is very much like her Father in that sense, cause he's the same way...but she's WAY cuter.
L-Cat LOVES animals and they LOVE her. Our cat is always following her around and sleeping with her, and when L_Cat goes near her she will start purring immediately. The dog gets tonnes of hugs from her, the snake curls up in her arm pits and the bearded dragons sit on her lap while she watches TV. She is like an animal whisperer or something.
I look at my 2 little monkeys and how different they are, and wonder what they next one might be like. And the I think I must be insane for wanting another.
A Rose by any Other Name
2:54 PM Posted In Baby Names , Celebrity Baby Names Edit This 0 Comments »
So I am not even pregnant yet and my thoughts are already being invaded by baby names. Perhaps I am getting a little too excited a little too early? Maybe...but choosing a name is such a difficult process so having a head start is an advantage.
I did a quick Google search of 'baby names' and browsed a few websites. I ended up spending an hour or so reading celebrity names VS. their real names. It's pretty obvious why some of them change there names.
I then moved into celebrity baby names and that's always an interesting trip. I was pretty surprised to read that there is more than one person on this planet with the name "Lyric" but not by much else. Celebrity baby names no longer shock or amaze me. "Oh, you named your baby Popcorn? Wonderful. I hope Popcorn isn't keeping you up at night".
I didn't come up with anything though...which isn't really a loss at this point. Maybe once I actually MAKE the baby I will have a better idea of what I could name him or her.
Ready for Another
10:12 AM Posted In Homebirth , TTC Edit This 0 Comments »
Soooo...kind of out of nowhere, my SO and I decided last night that we are ready to have our 3rd child. I'm not even sure where it came from, but it came up and you could see from the smiles on our faces that we are ready...and EXCITED!!!
I have never planned a pregnancy. They just happened and were pleasant surprises. This time I want to plan...mostly because I want to make sure that we have no overlapping birthdays or holidays. We are planning for a July August 2010 baby.
I am also planning for a homebirth and desperately hope that I can secure myself a midwife. We only have 2 in the city, so their schedules are often full. I refuse to have another hospital birth though, so I guess someone will have to make room for me.
From all I am able to put together through online resources I should be ovulating on the 9th of I guess I don't have too long to wait before we can make our first attempt at baby making:)
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