Is there a Right Way to Talk About Personal Experiences?
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You may or may not have heard the latest controversy circulating the the blog circuit this week, but your about to! 27 year old Angie Jackson has been live-Tweeting her experience with the abortion pill RU-486 and it's sparking quite a discussion.
"Right now I feel like I have a tapeworm or some kind of horrible infection. "
I read about the story this afternoon on one of my favourite blogs, Woman Uncensored and I have to say that I was a little disappointed at the feedback I read there (and on the associated Facebook fanpage). The overwhelming consensus was that Ms. Jackson is wrong in the way she is expressing her experience with her abortion, even amongst the pro-choice crowd. When I Googled the story, I found much of the same.
One of the main criticisms I keep hearing is that her 'language and attitude' is inappropriate. Can I just say that this rubs me the wrong way? Ms. Jackson is simply sharing an experience and should be entitled, as we all are, to define her own experience as she sees it. Is there a right way to talk about our personal experiences?
I am in the camp of 'No there is no right way to talk about our personal experiences'. They are our experiences, we own them and should be free to express them in the language and tone we see fit. To me, it is highly problematic to attempt to dictate how women share their experiences as it encourages them to simply NOT share them and invalidates how they feel about their experiences.
What about you? Do you think that people talking/writing/blogging/Tweeting about personal experiences owe it to their audience to censor themselves or to present their experiences in a way that is more comfortable to the reader?
"Right now I feel like I have a tapeworm or some kind of horrible infection. "
I read about the story this afternoon on one of my favourite blogs, Woman Uncensored and I have to say that I was a little disappointed at the feedback I read there (and on the associated Facebook fanpage). The overwhelming consensus was that Ms. Jackson is wrong in the way she is expressing her experience with her abortion, even amongst the pro-choice crowd. When I Googled the story, I found much of the same.
One of the main criticisms I keep hearing is that her 'language and attitude' is inappropriate. Can I just say that this rubs me the wrong way? Ms. Jackson is simply sharing an experience and should be entitled, as we all are, to define her own experience as she sees it. Is there a right way to talk about our personal experiences?
I am in the camp of 'No there is no right way to talk about our personal experiences'. They are our experiences, we own them and should be free to express them in the language and tone we see fit. To me, it is highly problematic to attempt to dictate how women share their experiences as it encourages them to simply NOT share them and invalidates how they feel about their experiences.
What about you? Do you think that people talking/writing/blogging/Tweeting about personal experiences owe it to their audience to censor themselves or to present their experiences in a way that is more comfortable to the reader?