Inspire on International Women's Day.

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Being an inspiration doesn't mean that you have to be at the forefront of change or that your accomplishments are recognized with awards.  You don't have to be in a high profile position to make a difference.  Being a fierce, confident woman is being an inspiration.  Here are 7 ways that women inspire me every single day...

1.  Being a Mother.  What better way to change the future, than to bring life into this world.  By nurturing life and being a teacher to your children, you are shaping the minds and attitudes of tomorrow

2.  Nursing in Public.  The simple act of nursing in public can change attitudes and expose people to nurturing and normal act of breastfeeding.  The more people see it as a normal activity, the more acceptable it comes within our society.  It also inspires other women to do that same, without shame.

3.  Telling your Success Story.   Don't be humble when you have found success, share it.  Your success can inspire and empower whether it's a great birth experience, a booming business or personal journey of healing and finding happiness.

4.  Support the Success of Others.  Promote sisterhood by supporting and celebrating the success of women.

5.  Follow your Dreams.  No matter what your dreams or goals are, following them will inspire others.

6.  Speak your Mind.  Inspire other's to be heard by making your voice heard!  This is especially true for me in the blogging world and the many female bloggers that inspire me to be heard.

7.  Love Yourself.  It's contagious!!

A Shout-Out to All Women on IWD

8:42 AM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Happy International Women's Day!!

Today is a day to celebrate the accomplishments of women and to be inspired to initiate change for the future.  As I look around today at my peers and those things they believe in and fight for I find myself full of gratitude, as I know they are paving the way for my own daughter to enjoy the benefits of their hard work, just as I enjoy the benefits of the hard work of my Sister's from the past.  I am inspired and optimistic, and proud to know that I am also making a difference for the future of women in my own little way.

Lots of love to all the amazing women out there.  You're always appreciated.
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