I Deserve a Doula...But Can't Afford One

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A woman giving birth on a birth chair, from a ...Image via Wikipedia
I have been starting to do a bit more planning of my pregnancy and birth including looking into exactly who I am going to have at my birth.  This week, I will be calling the midwives and hopefully meeting with them soon and I have asked a girlfriend if she would be my birth photographer...next, was do I want a doula?

YES!  I most definitely do want a doula.

I love the idea of having someone at my birth who is experienced and educated, to focus on me and help me through the process.  I would love someone to suggest positions or techniques to help me stay comfortable.

The biggest problem is cost and I have decided against spending $600 on a doula.  It's just not in the budget for me.  Not that I think that is overpriced, or anything, because I certainly think a doula earns her money...just not in the cards for me at this time.  I can't justify spending that much money on myself.

I am still hoping to find a 'student' or someone brand new looking to offer services at little or no cost.
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Alisa said...

Definitely look for a doula who is completing her certification. Usually she will work for free or very low cost, but has already been through the training. If you want a doula, don't give up looking for one! There are so many wonderful doulas in-training. :)

Alisa said...

Contact one of the doula trainers in your area and see if you can get a list of recently-trained doulas from her:

maria@amomisborn.com said...

There are also doulas who decide to take a pro-bono birth here and there. I try to do one per year, as DONA asks for doulas to (somehow) work toward its mission of "A doula for every woman who wants one." Different doulas interpret that in different ways, but for me it means one pro-bono birth!

Sarah said...

Thank you for the encouragement and ideas in finding a doula! I have put the word out there and have had tonnes of input from friends and strangers...so it's looking UP :)

Alisa said...

Good! Happy Birthing!

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